Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just thought I would share...

So since I have been home for the summer I have been working for an events and catering company here in Atlanta. It isn't exactly what I thought it was going to be like and it's a LOT of hard work but it's good money and really flexible! (which is what I need) Basically what I do is some of the set up before the event and then once it starts, I serve the food and then bus the tables as people finish their meal. Most of the events that we work are weddings which is actually really fun for several reasons...
for one, people watching is always a favorite hobby of mine and weddings are definitely good for that! 
second, as I walk around I like to imagine what it will be like when my friends start getting married and we all start going to each others weddings... not that I am in any great hurry for this to happen, but it is just cool to think about. Eating, drinking, dancing, toasting- how could this not be fun?? And also just trying to imagine the types of people who everyone will end up with is crazy too. What if you already know the person? 

In particular, I have a story from the wedding I was working tonight that I want to share because I found it really moving...
Before the event started, the event manager took all the staff aside to tell us various things about the party and what we are each responsible for. Usually this is all pretty standard but tonight he told us that we needed to make sure that everything went particularly well. The bride has a cancerous brain tumor and she has only been given a year to live, so everyone wanted to make sure that this day was as perfect as possible. To make things even harder on this poor girl, her mother died a few years ago, so she only had her dad and her sister. 
All of this just made me feel so blessed, I can't imagine what it would be like not to have my mother at my wedding, much less what it would feel like to know that my life is going to be cut so drastically short. This girl was so strong- she was completely happy and carefree on her wedding night, just as anyone should be. You would never know that anything was wrong with her. It was really inspiring to me how she has obviously decided to continue on with her life and not let this tragic situation keep her from living the life she wants to live and do all of the things that she wants to do. 
And most of all I was amazed by the love that these two people must have. This man is marrying her despite the fact that he knows that he might loose her before they even have the chance to celebrate the first year of their life together. That is honestly one of the greatest displays of love that I have ever seen. I really wish them the best and hope that maybe God will give her some sort of miracle. 

Sorry for the mushy post... but I had to share. 

à bientot!

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