Going abroad is an important decision to any college student and is certainly not one that should be taken lightly. For those who are considering going abroad, I would recommend it 100%. It’s a great chance to get out of your personal bubble a little bit and experience something completely different from that to which accustomed, which is important for us all to do at certain times in our lives. As far as study abroad sites go, I would also happily recommend Paris but give some strong advice about how approach the opportunity.
If you are letting NYU do your housing, be as specific as possible on the housing information sheet. If you think you may have any preferences, go ahead and let them know! I thought that requesting a roommate would be enough to ensure that I would have one, but I was wrong and not living with someone is one of my biggest regrets from the semester. Especially if you are living alone for the first time, consider that doing it in another country may not be the best time. (no matter how independent you may think you are it’s nice to be able to share your experiences, good and bad, with someone at the end of the day) If you are not set on letting NYU do your housing, I would highly suggest finding a place on your own. The people who I know that did this got to live right where they wanted, with who they want, and for the price that they wanted- It’s not as hard as you might think. Basically what I am saying is be happy with whatever your living situation is going to be because no matter what, this is where you are ending your days and it is a good idea to end on a happy note.
Secondly, I would like to leave a note about packing. I am the QUEEN of over packing and this was one of my biggest concerns before I left. I would recommend bringing lots of layers. Paris has fickle weather and sometimes it can be really cold in the morning but then perfectly warm and sunny by the afternoon, so it is best to prepared! (this also means an umbrella that is small enough to keep with you all the times) This will also help you not to pack as much stuff because if you bring several things that you can wear multiple ways then it is easy to wear the same thing multiple times without it being too obvious.
On the issue of money, the exchange rate is a killer! If you try translating things from euros to dollars you will quickly realize you are paying twice as much for everything. To avoid this headache and painful reminder of our flailing economy, plan a budget (and stick to it!!) IN EUROS. Also, if you are not planning to open a bank account in Paris I would suggest having a Bank of America account because then you can withdraw cash from BNP Paribas with zero problems. Make sure you find out about fees for all your debit and credit cards before you leave! I had problems with this upon my arrival and it made settling in much more stressful.
My biggest piece of advice is to not be too caught up in what you think the experience should be. Not everyone is required LOVE their site in the sense that you want to stay another semester or move back at some point. This is also to say that you shouldn’t feel like a failure if you don’t meet your future French husband, or Parisian BFF. While it is awesome to be able to immerse yourself in the culture, it really is pretty hard to meet people with whom you will actually have a lasting relationship. But, this being said, don’t be afraid to talk and mingle with the Parisians when you go out… you never know! Study abroad is different for everyone and the experience is really up to you. You will have a lot of free time, so be prepared. Possibly start a list before you arrive of things you could do on your own when you have some time on your hands. Finally, make the best of it and do as much as possible!
Oh yea... Do yourself and don't watch the movie Taken. Seriously.
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